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Futurepast Zine #3 Available Online

You can now check this out online over here:

Futurepast #3 contains:

- Interview with Chloe Harris/Raica from Further Records (, Chloe talks about her latest release on Further Records plus more
- Interview with LXC/Morphy (http:\\, LXC tells us about why him and Morphy started 45seven and their future plans for it
- Interview with Plastic Flowers ( and, I find out who Plastic Flowers are and what they are up to
- A review of a clubnight called 'Movement' - last week I was struggling to sleep and started checking twitter and discovered that Double O was dj'ing there playing Jungle and Detroit Techno. I'd never even heard of this night so had to go and check it out

I'm aiming to make the fanzines available online as soon as the paper copies have all been distributed.
